Common Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders and Sleeping Problems

Most of us have experienced trouble sleeping at one time which is normal and usually temporary. But if sleeping problems become regular and interfere with your normal daily life, you may have a sleeping disorder.

Quality sleep is essential for your overall health, emotional balance and energy.   Minimal sleep can affect your mood, weight, impair job performance and cause accidents.

Trust Your Sleep to the Experts!

At Focus Sleep Centers our compassionate and highly trained staff is here to diagnose and treat all sleep disorders including insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy and more. We offer consultations and diagnostic testing with customized sleep programs to improve your quality of life!

Sleep Apnea

One of the more serious sleeping disorders is sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea causes temporary cessation of breathing while asleep. It is estimated that 20 million Americans suffer from this condition making it second only to insomnia in occurrence. There are two types of sleep apnea:

  • Obstructive – occurs from upper airway obstruction
  • Central – occurs when your brain does not signal to your muscles that control your breathing.


Insomnia is in inability to go to sleep or stay asleep. Stress is one of the leading causes of insomnia and the condition is considered chronic if it lasts more than three months.


Narcolepsy sufferers can get a great night sleep and still have bouts of sleepiness the next day. This can cause individuals to experience random bouts of falling asleep at any time for a few minutes or for several hours. Many times vivid dreams occur and sleep paralysis can also be a problem.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RSL)

Getting comfortable and lying still is virtually impossible if you suffer from restless leg syndrome. RSL causes a tingling sensation like electricity passing through your legs or a creeping feeling of something on your legs.

Night Terrors

Night terrors are more common in children than adults. Symptoms include crippling fear, sweating, screaming and trembling.

Sleep Walking

Sleep walkers get up and move around but not in a state of wakefulness. Individuals can carry on ordinary tasks , difficult to wake up and never remember the incident.